-8); //$pacific_time = time() + ($tz['PST'] * 3600); $tz = array ( 'EST' => -5); $pacific_time = time() + ($tz['EST'] * 3600); $lt = localtime($pacific_time, TRUE); if ($lt['tm_isdst']) $pacific_time += 3600; $pacific_date=gmstrftime('%Y-%m-%d', $pacific_time); list($y2, $m2, $d2) = split("-", $pacific_date); $month=gmstrftime('%A', $pacific_time); $pacific_time=gmstrftime('%T', $pacific_time); $pacific_time=gmstrftime('%T', $pacific_time); if($month=="Tuesday") { $startdate=$pacific_date; $enddate = date("Y-m-d", mktime (0, 0, 0, $m2, $d2+6, $y2)); } if($month=="Wednesday") { $startdate = date("Y-m-d", mktime (0, 0, 0, $m2, $d2-1, $y2)); list($y1, $m1, $d1) = split("-", $startdate); $enddate = date("Y-m-d", mktime (0, 0, 0, $m1, $d1+6, $y1)); } if($month=="Thursday") { $startdate = date("Y-m-d", mktime (0, 0, 0, $m2, $d2-2, $y2)); list($y1, $m1, $d1) = split("-", $startdate); $enddate = date("Y-m-d", mktime (0, 0, 0, $m1, $d1+6, $y1)); } if($month=="Friday") { $startdate = date("Y-m-d", mktime (0, 0, 0, $m2, $d2-3, $y2)); list($y1, $m1, $d1) = split("-", $startdate); $enddate = date("Y-m-d", mktime (0, 0, 0, $m1, $d1+6, $y1)); } if($month=="Saturday") { $startdate = date("Y-m-d", mktime (0, 0, 0, $m2, $d2-4, $y2)); list($y1, $m1, $d1) = split("-", $startdate); $enddate = date("Y-m-d", mktime (0, 0, 0, $m1, $d1+6, $y1)); } if($month=="Sunday") { $startdate = date("Y-m-d", mktime (0, 0, 0, $m2, $d2-5, $y2)); list($y1, $m1, $d1) = split("-", $startdate); $enddate = date("Y-m-d", mktime (0, 0, 0, $m1, $d1+6, $y1)); } if($month=="Monday") { $startdate = date("Y-m-d", mktime (0, 0, 0, $m2, $d2-6, $y2)); list($y1, $m1, $d1) = split("-", $startdate); $enddate = date("Y-m-d", mktime (0, 0, 0, $m1, $d1+6, $y1)); } $leaguename='NFL'; if($team=='') { $sel=mysql_query("select * from new_asp_schedule where game_date between '$startdate' and '$enddate' and league_no='1' and (team1 not like '%Teams%' or team2 not like '%Teams%') order by game_date,game_no1 limit 1"); while($selrow=mysql_fetch_array($sel)) { $game_date=$selrow['game_date']; $game_no1=$selrow['game_no1']; $game_no2=$selrow['game_no2']; $team11=$selrow['team1']; $team22=$selrow['team2']; $game_time=$selrow['game_time']; $sel_xml1=mysql_query("select team_name,team_id,new_teamname from nfl_teams where (new_teamname like '%$team11%' or team_name like '%$team11%')"); list($team1_name,$team1_id,$new_teamname11)=mysql_fetch_array($sel_xml1); $sel_xml2=mysql_query("select team_name,team_id,new_teamname from nfl_teams where (new_teamname like '%$team22%' or team_name like '%$team22%')"); list($team2_name,$team2_id,$new_teamname22)=mysql_fetch_array($sel_xml2); } $team=$leaguename.'~'.$game_date.'~'.$game_time.'~'.$team1_id.'~'.$team1_name.'~'.$team2_id.'~'.$team2_name.'~'.$game_no1.'~'.$game_no2; } $teamarray=explode("~",$team); $leaguename=$teamarray[0]; $gamedate=$teamarray[1]; $gametime=$teamarray[2]; $roadid=$teamarray[3]; $roadteam=$teamarray[4]; $homeid=$teamarray[5]; $hometeam=$teamarray[6]; $gameno1=$teamarray[7]; $gameno2=$teamarray[8]; $newdate=formatdates11($gamedate); $sel_xml1=mysql_query("select new_teamname from nfl_teams where (new_teamname like '%$roadteam%' or team_name like '%$roadteam%')"); list($roadteam11)=mysql_fetch_array($sel_xml1); $sel_xml2=mysql_query("select new_teamname from nfl_teams where (new_teamname like '%$hometeam%' or team_name like '%$hometeam%')"); list($hometeam11)=mysql_fetch_array($sel_xml2); function formatdates11($date) { $dates=explode("-",$date); $year=$dates[0]; $month=$dates[1]; $day=$dates[2]; switch($month) { case '1': $newmonth='Jan'; break; case '2': $newmonth='Feb'; break; case '3': $newmonth='Mar'; break; case '4': $newmonth='Apr'; break; case '5': $newmonth='May'; break; case '6': $newmonth='June'; break; case '7': $newmonth='July'; break; case '8': $newmonth='Aug'; break; case '9': $newmonth='Sep'; break; case '10': $newmonth='Oct'; break; case '11': $newmonth='Nov'; break; case '12': $newmonth='Dec'; break; } if($day=='2' || $day=='22') { $suffix=' nd'; } elseif($day=='3' || $day=='23') { $suffix=' rd'; } elseif($day=='1' || $day=='21' || $day=='31') { $suffix=' st'; } else { $suffix=' th'; } $newdate=$newmonth.' '.$day.' '.$suffix.' '.$year; return $newdate; } #---- create expiry date $rrteamval=$leaguename.'~'.$gamedate.'~'.$gametime.'~'.$roadid.'~'.$roadteam.'~'.$homeid.'~'.$hometeam.'~'.$gameno1.'~'.$gameno2; $rrlink="new_nfl_raymondreport.php?team=".$rrteamval; $newdesctags=explode(",",$desctags);$newdesctags1=''; for($a=0;$a$newdesctags[$a]"; } } $newkeywordstags=explode(",",$keywordstags);$newkeywordstags1=''; for($b=0;$b$newkeywordstags[$b]"; } } $ateamname=$roadteam; $bteamname=$hometeam; $nflqry1=mysql_query("select team_shortname from nfl_teams where team_name='$roadteam' "); list($a1teamname)=mysql_fetch_array($nflqry1); $nflqry2=mysql_query("select team_shortname from nfl_teams where team_name='$hometeam' "); list($b1teamname)=mysql_fetch_array($nflqry2); ?>
What is the Raymond Report? :-

The Raymond Report is a collection of current season data using each team’s situation and producing how that team and how every other team did in this exact situation. Therefore, you will have team trends and league systems backing up each record. Furthermore, the Raymond Report will give you the “PARITY VALUE INDEX” on what is the percentage of each team winning their next game. Plus, Ron included the points for and points against forecast on that game.

*Note: The Raymond Report is a fact sheet, where the public can observe the team’s chances of winning or covering the spread in their next game.

Jump to Game


"; //echo "road_report=$road_report
"; $roadreport_array=explode("#",$road_report); $hometoppart_array=explode("~",$home_toppart); $homereport_array=explode("#",$home_report); $statslink=$gamedate.','.$gametime.','.$roadid.','.$roadteam.','.$homeid.','.$hometeam.','.$leaguename.','.$gameno1.','. $gameno2; $newstatslink='todays_stats_matchups.php?name='.$statslink; ?>
Game Date -
Road Team :- ()
Home Team :- ( )

"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
$roadteamTeam Name: $roadtoppart_array[0]
Line: $roadtoppart_array[1]
O/U: $roadtoppart_array[2]
Game Date: $roadtoppart_array[3]
Last Game: $roadtoppart_array[4]
Current Game: $roadtoppart_array[5]
Next Game: $roadtoppart_array[6]
Stats & Trends: $roadteam vs. $hometeam
PVI Rating on $team1 Winning: $roadtoppart_array[7]%
PVI Rating on game going UNDER: $roadtoppart_array[8]%
Road Teams Strength of Schedule last 7 games: $roadtoppart_array[9]%
Streaks: $roadtoppart_array[10]
Road Teams % covering the spread: $roadtoppart_array[11]%
Road Teams % of this game going UNDER: $roadtoppart_array[12]%
Road Teams Predicted Points For: $roadtoppart_array[13]
Road Teams Predicted Points Against: $roadtoppart_array[14]

"; ?>
"; echo ""; //print_r($roadreport_array); for($bb='0';$bb='3' && $totrr22>='3' && $roadreportval[6]>'80' ) {$bgcolor='#FFFF00'; } elseif($roadper<$leagueper) { $bgcolor='#FF0000'; } elseif($roadper>$leagueper) { $bgcolor='#009933'; } else { $bgcolor='#FFFFFF'; } if($roadreportval[6]!='0') { $totrr='0';$totrr2='0'; $rr=explode("-",$roadreportval[7]); $totrr=$rr[0]+$rr[1]+$rr[2]; $rr2=explode("-",$roadreportval[9]); $totrr2=$rr2[0]+$rr2[1]+$rr2[2]; if($totrr>='3' && $totrr2>='3' && $roadreportval[11]>'80' ) {$bgcolor1='#FFFF00'; }else {$bgcolor1='#FFFFFF'; } // echo ""; echo ""; } } ?>
Road Team
When is a Road Team When Any NFL Team is a Road Team Differential % When is a Road Team,the O/U When Any NFL Team is a Road Team,the O/U Differential % on game going UNDER
SituationsLast 3 season Last 3 season Differential %Last 3 season Last 3 season Differential %
$roadreportval[0] $roadreportval[1] $roadreportval[2] $roadreportval[4] $roadreportval[6] $roadreportval[7] $roadreportval[9] $roadreportval[11]
$roadreportval[0] $roadreportval[1] $roadreportval[2] $roadreportval[3] $roadreportval[4] $roadreportval[5] $roadreportval[6] $roadreportval[7]

  Offensive Stats Defensive Stats
All Games Avg
Home Games Avg
Road Games Avg
Last 3 Games Avg
Last 5 Games Avg
Last 10 Games Avg
vs. Division Games Avg
vs. Conference Games Avg
vs. Non Conference Games Avg
vs. Top Ranked Games Avg
vs. Middle Ranked Games Avg
vs. Bottom Ranked Games Avg
After a Win Games Avg
After a Lost Games Avg
After a SU Road Win Games Avg
After a SU Road Lost Games Avg
After a SU Home Win Games Avg
After a SU Home Lost Games Avg
After an Over Games Avg
After an Under Games Avg
After a Push Games Avg

"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
$hometeamTeam Name: $hometoppart_array[0]
Line: $hometoppart_array[1]
O/U: $hometoppart_array[2]
Game Date: $hometoppart_array[3]
Last Game: $hometoppart_array[4]
Current Game: $hometoppart_array[5]
Next Game: $hometoppart_array[6]
Stats & Trends: $hometeam vs. $roadteam
PVI Rating on $team1 Winning: $hometoppart_array[7]%
PVI Rating on game going UNDER: $hometoppart_array[8]%
Home Teams Strength of Schedule last 7 games: $hometoppart_array[9]%
Streaks: $hometoppart_array[10]
Home Teams % covering the spread: $hometoppart_array[11]%
Home Teams % of this game going UNDER: $hometoppart_array[12]%
Home Teams Predicted Points For: $hometoppart_array[13]
Home Teams Predicted Points Against: $hometoppart_array[14]

"; ?>
"; echo ""; for($bb='0';$bb='3' && $tothh22>='3' && $homereportval[6]>'80' ) {$bgcolor='#FFFF00'; } elseif($homeper<$leagueper) { $bgcolor='#FF0000'; } elseif($homeper>$leagueper) { $bgcolor='#009933'; } else { $bgcolor='#FFFFFF'; } if($homereportval[6]!='0') {$tothh='0';$tothh2='0'; $hh=explode("-",$homereportval[7]); $tothh=$hh[0]+$hh[1]+$hh[2]; $hh2=explode("-",$homereportval[9]); $tothh2=$hh2[0]+$hh2[1]+$hh2[2]; if($tothh>='3' && $tothh2>='3' && $homereportval[11]>'80' ) {$bgcolor1='#FFFF00'; }else {$bgcolor1='#FFFFFF'; } echo ""; //echo ""; } } ?>
Home Team
When is a Home Team When Any NFL Team is a Home Team Differential % When is a Home Team,the O/U When Any NFL Team is a Home Team,the O/U Differential % on game going UNDER
$road SituationsLast 3 season Last 3 season Differential %Last 3 seasonLast 3 seasonDifferential %
$homereportval[0] $homereportval[1] $homereportval[2] $homereportval[4] $homereportval[6] $homereportval[7] $homereportval[9] $homereportval[11]
$homereportval[0] $homereportval[1] $homereportval[2] $homereportval[3] $homereportval[4] $homereportval[5] $homereportval[6] $homereportval[7]

  Offensive Stats Defensive Stats
All Games Avg
Home Games Avg
Road Games Avg
Last 3 Games Avg
Last 5 Games Avg
Last 10 Games Avg
vs. Division Games Avg
vs. Conference Games Avg
vs. Non Conference Games Avg
vs. Top Ranked Games Avg
vs. Middle Ranked Games Avg
vs. Bottom Ranked Games Avg
After a Win Games Avg
After a Lost Games Avg
After a SU Road Win Games Avg
After a SU Road Lost Games Avg
After a SU Home Win Games Avg
After a SU Home Lost Games Avg
After an Over Games Avg
After an Under Games Avg
After a Push Games Avg


What exactly is the Parity Value Index?

Sports Handicapper Ron Raymond believes everything runs in cycles in the numbers game and what you want to do is take a small cycle of 3 games and a large cycle (overall season record), combined them together and it will produce a percentage of what the outcome of a side and total should be in the next game. Nobody has a crystal ball or tomorrow’s newspaper, but we do know everything in sports betting is based around 50%! That’s your magic number, not 100% or 0%!

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You are 2 steps away from having the best known Sports Betting Secrets the Sportsbooks don't want you to have at your finger tips and it will change the way you bet on sports! For only $24.99 (USD) Ron Raymond's 50 Greatest Sports Betting Secrets will be one of the best investments you will have made and the knowledge you will learn from this book will save you a ton of trials and errors down the road.